Sean Hannity Announces His Move From New York to ‘Free State of Florida’

Sean Hannity Announces His Move From New York to ‘Free State of Florida’

Sean Hannity recently announced on his radio show that he’s taking his talents to Florida and saying goodbye to his home in Long Island, New York. He revealed to listeners of his iHeartRadio talk show that he was broadcasting live from his new studio in Florida, where he’s taken full-time residence.

He opened his show with “breaking news,” saying, “If anybody is listening to this program for any length of time, been threatening now to do this for quite a while. But we are now beginning our first broadcast of my new home, and that is in the free state of Florida. I am out. I am done. I’m finished. New York, New York. Goodbye. Florida. Florida. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. But it’s great to be here.”

Hannity continued, “And finally, for the first time that I can think of in my adult life, I actually have representatives in the state that I’m living in that share my values. I have a governor by the name of Ron DeSantis and Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott. So I’m feeling a lot better about it, and I’m not going to go through the whys. The how comes because it’s obvious this migration out of the blue states with high taxes, burdensome regulation, high crime, and horrible school districts is real. And if anything, I’m probably late and behind the curve, and many others have made the move beforehand.”

Hannity’s move followed what many have referred to as a “blue state exodus,” with thousands of citizens moving from blue states like California and New York to more red states like Florida and Texas. Those moving to red states have cited reasons like a lower cost of living or a desire to move to a safer area. It’s no secret why so many high-earning individuals move to Florida: the tax code saves citizens a ton of money on state and local taxes compared to New York.

Hannity has regularly hosted his Fox News show from his Long Island compound, which includes a full television studio, except for when he hosts live studio audiences at the Fox News broadcast headquarters in Midtown Manhattan. One can only assume that Hannity and Fox News have the means to fly the top-rated host to and from his Florida residence to continue live shows.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Florida saw one of the most significant population increases in July, with approximately 365,00 people, or 1.6 percent of its population, permanently relocating to the Sunshine State. Meanwhile, New York saw about 102,000 people moving out, the highest gross population decrease in the country.


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